Monday 14 September 2009

Seminar 1: Programme

The relation of new media practices to traditional literacy practices in the academy and the professions.

Friday October 16th 2009 10am-4,30pm
Room 1.26, Paterson's Land, Moray House, Edinburgh University

(university is No.7 on the central area map)]

Papers for the presentations will be available in advance on the Links and Documents page of this website.

10.00 Coffee

10.15 Introduction: Robin Goodfellow (Open University)

10.30 Presentation + discussion: Academic Literacies in the Digital University : Mary Lea & Robin Goodfellow (Open University)

11.30 Presentation + discussion: 'Uncanny' Literacies - Assessing the new texts: Sian Bayne (Edinburgh University)

12.30 Parallel group discussion sessions:

i) Academic values and web cultures: points of rupture. Led by Alison Littlejohn, Lou McGill & Helen Beetham (Learning Literacies in a Digital Age project. Glasgow Caledonian University)

ii) Academics writing and new technologies. Led by David Barton, Mary Hamilton & Candice Satchwell (Literacies for Learning in Further Education project. Lancaster University)

1.30 Lunch

2.30 Presentation and discussion sessions from Edinburgh University research students:

i) Personal, professional and academic voices in online reflection: new literacies for new media practices. Jenn Ross

ii) In the hands of the user: the powerful voice of objects. Michela Clari

3.30 Plenary session: discussants Gunther Kress (Institute of Education) and Chris Jones (Open University)

4.15 Conclusion: Robin Goodfellow (Open University)

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